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How To Pay Nothing For Your Pageant Entry Fee

(by Mrs. Globe Team)

One of the biggest challenges for a beauty pageant contestant is paying the entry fee. What if however, there was a formula where you paid nothing for your entry, travel and more! The Mrs. Globe Winner's Investigatory Team set out to find out about the magic of sponsorships which is a great way to help offset the costs of all your competing needs. In this blog post, we will provide five tips to help you secure more sponsorships for your pageant journey.

Identify potential sponsors. Like any successful project, you must start with a clear plan. In sponsorship, development start by making a list of local businesses and organizations that might be interested in promoting their brand within the prestige of a beauty pageant. This could include beauty salons, clothing stores, fitness centers, and other businesses that are related to your interests.

Reach out to potential sponsors. Once you have a list of potential sponsors, it is time to contact them. In this meeting, you need to be prepared to introduce yourself and to explain why you're seeking sponsorships. You must also be prepared with information as to why your brand is a good match with their brand. This includes sharing your pageant successes and any other achievements you've had.

Offer value to sponsors. One of the secret things a sponsor is looking for is value for money. Therefore, be prepared to offer your value to potential sponsors. So what is your pageant value? Your pageant value includes 1: Promoting their products or services on your social media channels. 2: Wearing their logo on your pageant wardrobe. 3: Mentioning them in interviews or while on public appearances. And 4: Of course, give them a product mention in any of the pageant communications when available.

Follow up. Most delegates don't secure sponsors because once they pitch their pageant value, they are afraid to follow up with potential sponsors. But don't be! If you don't hear back from the potential sponsor right away, it doesn't mean "no." With any new relationship, it takes time and often multiple attempts to secure the deal. So be persistent and continue to reach out to potential sponsors until you get a response of either "yes" or "no."

Be professional: Finally, when the sponsor says "yes", remember that at all times, you're representing yourself and your sponsors not just at the pageant, but at all events leading up to the event. Therefore, from the first moment they endorse you, until you retire your competition, be a professional. Meaning, look the part. Act the part (i.e. follow through on any commitments you make) and remember that a big thank you always goes a long way.

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